Market Signals
Market Signals use advanced quantitative analysis to identify market turning points for various benchmark indices like Nifty, Bank Nifty, Nasdaq, Gold and many more.
Market signals are detected using multiple analytical models and are rigorously backtested using our advanced Backtesting Engine on a variety of market scenarios.
Power Scans
Power Scans provide a curated set of scans running on F&O stocks. Power Scans include multiple scans to detect Uptrend and Downtrend in stocks. These stock scans use combinations of several quantitative analysis and are optimised using rigorous Backtesting Analysis.
Sentiment Analytics
Sentiment Analytics help to understand emotions inside the minds of market participants and decode state of market and general direction of market trend. Sentiment Analytics provide Signals for multiple sentiment indicators. Signals are generated using sophisticated multi layered process to separate Noise and Signal.
Backtesting Analytics
Backtesting is used to evaluate how different combinations of quantitative indicators would have performed, under a variety of historical market scenarios.
Alnair Analytics' robust backtesting engine, equipped with Python & R, uses rigorous risk analysis, performing millions of computations to optimise Market & Sentiment Signals and Stock Scans.
Simplifying sophisticated quantitative analysis for financial markets and making it affordable to all.
At Alnair Analytics our vision is to simplify sophisticated quantitative analysis for financial markets and to make it affordable to all. We are in constant endeavour to present in easy to understand way quantitative analysis and scientific Backtesting.
Our team in Alnair Analytics have rich experience in data analytics (MIT), financial and technical analysis (CFA & CA). When we design our analytical tools & dashboards, we are always trying to ensure that despite your busy calendar, you always get in your dashboard sophisticated analytics in simplified form for your own research.
Asset Class Covered across India & US
Quantitative Signal generations per year
Simulations run for Advanced Backtesting
Underlying Analytical Models used
Years of data used for quantitative analysis